Introducing the Mercury ST system, a collection of modules for the Mercury Camera system that enable fast and easy panoramic stitching with a medium format digital back, opening up entirely new realms of digital photography: higher resolution, panoramic photography with a wide range of large image circle lenses.

The Basics
The Mercury Stitching Body, or Mercury ST, is a special camera body that accepts special ground glass and digital backs only, but which enables the entire back to quickly slide to multiple positions. When used in conjunction with a medium format digital back, 2-3 exposures can be later combined to produce the equivalent of a 6×9 sized image! This breakthrough body allows you to use larger image circle lenses with a digital back, thereby more closely capturing the true characteristics of larger-format lenses. The resulting images will also be very high quality, multiplying the resolution of the digital back. They are the equivalent of a much larger digital sensor that does not exist.
The Mercury Stitching Body requires two components to be complete: the body itself and a sliding back mount. Back mounts exist in 4 forms: 6×9 Ground Glass, Mamiya 645, Hasselblad V (in two “Types,” see below), and Contax 645. The 6×9 Ground Glass back comes complete with installed glass, and is ready to use to compose and focus your image. The other back mounts accept a digital back. When these two components are integrated together, the camera is rated RS-0. This means that any lens compatible with the Mercury system can be used with this camera!
Ease of Use
Once you’ve applied the adhesive scale that matches your sensor size and mounted your digiback, taking a perfect pano stitch is just a matter of sliding the Insert so that its white indicator lines up with the first of three reference marks, expose your frame, slide it to the middle mark, expose your second frame, and then repeat for the third mark. This can be done in a matter of seconds. You don’t have to turn any knobs, and there are no shift measurements to calculate or remember. Use of a our matching ground glass to view your entire panoramic image at once is optional.

Preliminary Examples
These images were taken under severe limitations during the COVID-19 pandemic, but provide a rough idea of what a final image looks like. Click on each image to open the full resolution jpeg file in a new tab (caution: very large files!).

Digital Back Compatibility
The Mercury Stitching Body can be used with nearly any medium format digital back with a Mamiya/ Phase One, 645 Contax, or Hasselblad V mount. As with other Mercury Hasselblad V mount backs and back adapters, there are two “Types” or versions of our Hasselblad V back, each with different compatibility:
The Mercury ST is compatible with all sensor sizes from 135 Full Frame (24x36mm) up to 645 Full Frame (53x40mm). The larger the sensor in its longest dimension, the taller the final stitched image will be. In general, the sensor size has little impact on the width of the final image. 135-sized sensors will produce a final image of 36x78mm, while all medium format sized sensors can produce the full 82mm wide image. Thus while larger sensors do give a bit taller of an image, their advantage is somewhat obviated in this application. Thus the Mercury ST can produce stunning “large sensor” images even with lesser digital backs.
All Mercury ST digiback mounting panels are interchangeable. You thus need only one ST body to use with any number of different digital backs, the ground glass panel, etc.
The following table lists the various configurations that are possible with your Mercury ST:
Sensor Size | # Exp. | Megapixel Multiplier | Overlap | Mercury Scale /Mask |
36x24mm (135) | 3 | 2.7 | 4mm | A |
36x36mm | 3 | 2.3 | 13mm |
B /B2 |
44x33mm | 3 | 2.5 | 11mm | C |
48x36mm | 3 | 2.3 | 13mm |
B /B1 |
53x40mm | 3 | 2.1 | 19mm |
D (white) / D1 |
53.4x40mm | 2 | 1.9 | 4mm |
D (red) / D2 |
Much more information, including operating instructions, can be found in section 2.3.6 of the Mercury User Guide. For an overview of Mercury Camera options for digital backs, see section 1.4 of the Mercury User Guide, or an overview here.
Many thanks to Digital Transitions, Phase One partner, for their help in developing this system. They provided us with copious technical information and a loaned Phase One digital back. They are extremely knowledgeable and helpful, so if you’re looking for a new or used digital back we would recommend reaching out to them.
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