We are very excited to announce the availability of the Mercury ST system, the product of approximately two years of development!

ST stands for “stitching.” This system is designed for medium format digital backs, and allows you to instantly and precisely shift your back into 3 (or in some configurations, 2 or 4) positions for easy, perfect stitching in post production. The result is to dramatically increase your practical sensor size—in most cases, to the approximate size of 6×9 film. Not only will this dramatically reduce your enlargement factor and greater than double your resolution, but will allow you to pair a digital back with larger format lenses. Instead of taking a tiny crop from the center of the image circle, you’ll be able to capture the real aesthetics and advantages of these larger lenses.
Shift movements are of course possible on some expensive technical and field cameras, but such rack-and-pinion systems are slow and cumbersome to operate. By contrast, the Mercury ST camera is far more compact, lightweight, and can be operated simply, with no need for knobs and cranking. You can take a high-end, perfect set of three shots for stitching in under 3 seconds! Capture you image before your subject moves or the light changes.
The Mercury ST system consists of three main products:
1. The ST Camera. This is our flagship, most advanced product in the ST line. It is an RS-0 camera, meaning that it is compatible with any lens that the Mercury camera system can adapt (and that’s theoretically nearly every medium to large format lens in existence). It is light and extremely compact, for easy field shooting.

2. The Graflok 45 6×9 ST Back. This Graflok back is compatible with most large format cameras that can accept removable backs in the Graflok/International style. This is an RS-20 back, meaning that it moves the film plane 20mm farther back than usual.
Both the ST Camera and Graflok 45 6×9 back accept the same “ST Inserts.” For users who wish to purchase both of these products, you only need one Insert for a given digital back. These are the Inserts available:
Mamiya/Phase One 645 backs
Hasselblad V Type 1 (compatible with particular brands of digibacks)
Hasselblad V Type 2 (compatible with different brands of digibacks)
6×9 Ground Glass. This ground glass insert can be swapped for the digiback, and can be used to compose the full-sized image that will exist after stitching. It can also be used for focus if you wish.

3. The Graflok 45 6×12 ST Back. For panorama lovers, this back is very similar to our 6×9 Graflok back, but uses special ST Inserts that are significantly longer to achieve a final stitched image approximately the size of 6×12 panoramic film negatives. The same set of Inserts are available for this back, but these and 6×9 Inserts are not interchangeable. This back takes up more space and generally requires 4 stitched images, so is slower, but it is perfect for folks who wish to shoot insanely high resolution panoramas.

For more information about the ST Camera and some sample images, most of which also applies to the Graflok ST backs, check out https://mercurycamera.com/mercury-st-stitching-camera/.
For detailed operation instructions, see section 2.3.6 in the latest Mercury User Guide, available in the Downloads section of the website.
ST components are extremely labor- and time-intensive to make, as they require many layered components within components, different types of adhesives applied over time, layers of fabric, etc. However, we do have a first batch ready to be purchased. Once those sell out, it will be some time before a second batch will be ready.
If you would like to place an order or inquire further, please email us at mercurycameraworks@gmail.com
We have also recently updated and expanded our line of digiback accessories. See this page for an overview of digital back compatibility and options within the Mercury system.

Full Kits Including Digital Backs
We’re also excited to announce that we have tested and certified four Leaf Valeo digital backs to be bundled while supplies last with the ST system. If you don’t own a medium format digital back, this is a very affordable way to experience the glory of CCD imaging, with one of the most famous and successful sensors ever produced. It generates stunningly sharp photos with incredible color and beautiful tonality even today, with all of the advantages of a large sensor. Each kit comes with the back, bluetooth ready, the full ST kit, and an exclusive Mercury CF Unit, specially manufactured to enable easy, fully portable use of Valeo backs, writing to an included CF card. These units come pre-programmed and ready to shoot at 50 ISO. In order to preview your images and change settings on the fly, you can add a used iPaq from ebay, which connects via bluetooth. We can set you up with the software.

And, based on a new procedure we’ve developed, we can provide your digital back in either standard color range, or full spectrum. Full spectrum backs will let in all wavelengths of light, allowing you to shoot standard color, infrared, or UV with only a change of a lens filter. I have posted a number of examples of infrared photos shot with the Valeo on a Mercury to the Mercury Works Facebook group.

Here’s what’s available now, with initial release pricing (availability and prices not guaranteed to last):
Mercury ST camera, including one ST Insert of your choice: $435
Mercury ST camera with one ST Insert and digital back kit (including CF unit): $1075
(for full spectrum version add $100)
Mercury ST Graflok 45 back for 6×9 images, including one Insert: $350
Mercury ST Graflok 45 back for 6×9 images with one ST Insert and full digital back kit: $990
(for full spectrum version add $100)
Mercury ST Graflok 45 back for 6×12 images, including one ST Insert of your choice: $480
Additional 6×9 ST Inserts: $145
Additional 6×12 ST Inserts: $155

Just email us at mercurycameraworks@gmail.com if you’d like us to put together an order for you.
We developed the ST system with the generous help of Digital Transitions in NYC. They are the experts in digital back technology–don’t hesitate to reach out to them if you’d like to learn more about the capabilities of current digital backs.
And for any of you concerned that all of our work on digital backs heralds a turn away from film, don’t worry—Mercury Works remains as committed to the medium of film as ever! We are actively working on new, exciting projects for both film and digital.
4 thoughts on “Introducing the Mercury ST (Stitching) System”
I am a film man and love black & white film. My two cameras are a 4×5 (Chamonix 45F-2), and a so called 6x9cm (Shen-Hao TFC69-A.
But for those who prefer electronic imaging this should be exciting news.
Thanks, Joseph! We love film too. The Mercury system is used by most people for film, but we like to use and explore both. Digital is most interesting when it is shot on all-manual cameras like film, at least in my opinion. The Mercury ST system gives digital some of the advantages of film (large capture size, and thus more interesting lenses with which to shoot, and a fully manual camera with ground glass, etc.), but that doesn’t diminish my love of film (especially B&W). If you ever do decide to add digital capability to either of your excellent cameras, you know where to find us!
really great!
Thanks, Arturo!